ES-ELED-239 ELED/EGDE TV Backlight 55" use for Lg R: LGE_19Y_55SM85_66LED_Array_Right_181130 L: LGE_19Y_55SM85_66LED_Array_Left_181130 (2)

Publish Date:2020-11-06 Visits:1628

Length: R=L:602MM
LED Quantity: 66LEDS

Original Code:

R: LGE_19Y_55SM85_66LED_Array_Right_181130

L: LGE_19Y_55SM85_66LED_Array_Left_181130

ES Model: ES-ELED-239-R/66/6V      ES-ELED-239-L/66/6V

Brands: use for Lg

Complete Set: 1SET=1R+1L

Length: R=L:602MM

Original Code:

R: LGE_19Y_55SM85_66LED_Array_Right_181130

L: LGE_19Y_55SM85_66LED_Array_Left_181130

Panel Sticker Number: NC550EQH-AAHH1, NC550EQH-AAHH2 , NC550EQHAAHH1, NC550EQHAAHH2

TV Models: 55SM8600PUA, 55SM8100PCB, 55NANO816NA , 55SM8100AUA ,  55NANO85UNA ,  55NANO81ANA , 55SM8000PLA ,  55SM8200PLA ,  55SM8200 ,  55SM8600 ,  55SM8600 ,  55SM8050 , 55SM86007 ,  55SM82007 ,  55NANO816NA ,  55NANO85UNA , 55NANO81ANA

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